Saturday, January 1, 2011

Family of Chuck Norris?

The following was reported as a true story . . . .

Returning from a shopping trip, an elderly lady found four men about to drive off in her car. She dropped her shopping bags and pulled out a gun, then screamed at the top of her voice, ‘I have a gun and know how to use it – get out of the car, you scumbags!’

The men jumped out of the car and ran for their lives, while the old lady loaded her bags and got into the driver’s seat. Still shaken by the incident she had trouble getting the key into the ignition and after a few tries she suddenly realized why! It was not her car – her own car she found a few parking spaces further on.

Horrified at her terrible mistake she drove to the police station and confessed all. The Desk Sergeant fell about laughing and pointed to the other end of the counter. There stood four pale, shaken men who were busy reporting a car-jacking by a mad elderly woman, less than 5ft tall, with curly white hair, wearing glasses and carrying a large handgun.

No charges were filed.


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