Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Do You Want The Barking To Stop?

Learn All the Reasons Why Dogs Bark In The First Place!

 Have you ever wondered about all the reasons why dogs bark? Do your dogs bark at your neighbors, friends, family and other visitors that come to your home? If you've never leaned the reasons why dogs bark, then it's time to get schooled on all the reasons why dogs bark.

Most people are frustrated when a dog barks continuously… sometimes it can feel like it's non-stop; perhaps it is non-stop, which makes it all that more frustrating. However, the reasons why dogs bark tend to be focused on one or two things. If you know why your dog is barking, you can get some control on the behavior.

Want Their Barking To Cease: Learn the 9 Reasons Why Dogs Bark

Okay, dogs bark… but why? Believe it or not, it's not because they're trying to annoy or aggravate you purposely. There is a specific reason for it. They could be angry, upset or bored. Of course, how you deal with the incessant barking will depend on what's to blame for it in the first place. Never look at how it's affecting you but how it's affecting your canine friend. So what are all the reasons why dogs bark?

1 - They're Being Territorial

The reasons why dogs bark often include showing dominance over his territory. The barking generally begins when he/she sees another dog near the fence or windows. However, it can also occur when your mailman comes to deliver your mail. Believe it or not, it's not just your home your dog will be territorial over. The territory could include places you take him/her to walk, your vehicle or the park you allow him/her to play in.

2 - They're Alarming You

Okay… perhaps one of the reasons you got a dog was so that you'd feel more comfortable where you were at. Dogs often bark because they're trying to warn you of something. However, the alarm bark can become misguided rather quickly, as they'll generally bark at whatever they come across. Territory, in cases such as this, gets thrown out the window.

3 - They Want Your Attention

Of all the reasons why dogs bark…what you do depends on what your dog will do. When a dog wants something, he'll bark at you for your undivided attention. Unfortunately, all too often, people will give dogs that undivided attention just to quiet down the barking.

4 - They're Greeting You (or Someone Else)

A dog, when they're overjoyed to see someone, will often bark to greet them. If you notice your dog's tail wagging and they look relaxed, rest assured that this is the reason for their barking. Of course, it's not uncommon for dogs to whine rather than bark in times such as this.

5 - They're being a Compulsive Barker

Sometimes dogs will just bark… compulsively. They do it because they're bored or anxious. It's extremely unlikely the tone will change the entire time they're barking.

6 - They're Being Social

Dogs will often bark to inform other dogs where they're at. The bark may sound like the dog is angry but that's not the case. Dogs will talk to one another. Now keep in mind that there becomes a point when this can get to be too much.

7 - They're Frustrated

When a dog is frustrated about something such as being left home alone or locked in a crate, they may bark. Dogs will bark to let you know that he's frustrated regarding his situation.

8 - They're injured or sick

When a dog is whimpering or whining on top of barking, you need to look closely for the reason why. Often times it means that the dog is hurt or is not feeling very well. If you notice the tail between their legs or if they bark excessively along with whining, then you may need to bring them to a vet.

9 - They Feel Separation Anxiety

When a dog feels separation anxiety from you, this can be a real problem for everybody. How can you tell if your dog's barking is because of this? Look for other symptoms including:
- Pacing
- Being destructive
- Making messes

As you see, the reasons why dogs bark are numerous. If you've never owned a dog before, it may be difficult for you to know why your dog is barking. However, paying close attention to your dog's behaviour, as it will give you an indication of what's wrong. It could also lessen his/her barking. Thus, you'll get better control over it.

How to Lessen Your Dog's Barking

Now you know the reasons why dogs bark. And now… you want it to stop. To do this, you'll need to do three things:
- Figure out when he/she is barking
- The length of time they bark for
- What they're barking at

If you notice that the only time your dog is barking a lot is when someone comes to the door, then it's not really a big deal. This is a trait most dog owners want to have in a canine friend.

However, if your dog barks at the slightest thing, then you'll need to change up the training routine to get rid of more of his/her energy and tackle the habit of your dog making a lot of noise.

Now that you know all the reasons why dogs bark, it's time to get some help. If you're tired of all the aggression, barking, digging and chewing your dog is doing then you need a guide that will help you to get a grasp on your dog relentless bad behaviors.

Incubationer LTD

1 comment:

  1. Bored dogs are often the best barkers. Have you checked out the new Radial-Shape Wireless Dog Fence from Havahart Wireless yet? It's extremely easy to set up, doesn't require any digging, and works on two dogs. Being outside might wear them out to cut down the barking.
